
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Moment

I just need my life to be a series of moments like this...

2nd week of my MN challenge

This is the halfway mark of my 30-day MN challenge and you can see from the pic above that my hair is growing.

Most of us “80’s” babies were on the forefront of the “chemically treated hair” movement. Poor babies didn’t stand a chance. Our parents were putting chemicals in our hair without fully knowing the long-term damage it may cause down the line. We more than likely grew up getting relaxers just because that was all we had known.

More than focusing on growth, I have decided to focus on the overall health of my hair. I believe it is best to have a healthy head of hair before I really get into retaining the length. With that being said, I have been cutting my hair as it grows, so that the shape and body of my natural hair is to my liking.

 I will be doing a YouTube video on how I make my MN mixture and how I apply it to my hair.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fat Flush Water 10 Day results

Before I get into my results I would like to give you guys a quick summery on why I decided to try out the recipe. When I made the last post I told a few friends about the water and they were kind of shocked that I was trying to lose weight. Well... although I’m not trying to lose a large amount, I thing we could all stand to be a little bit healthier. I have goals that I’m trying to reach physically as I am sure we all do. So why not do a few together?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Queen of Versailles

For those of you that have never seen the documentary “Queen of Versailles” you are truly missing out. After watching this movie 3 times, I have to tell you… so many lessons were learned. I will not give it away, but trust and believe, the fall from grace can be a long and painful ride. Basically the movie start’s out as a documentary detailing the lifestyle of mega rich billionaire David Siegel and his Beauty queen wife Jackie. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fat Flush Water

As you all know I've been on a health kick lately, trying to get fit for life, not just the summer. I know for a fact I don’t drink as much water as recommended, so I decided to try a flavored water recipe. After seeing several different recipes on various blogs and social media outlets. I guess anything that promotes drinking more water and burning fat is worth a try. You’re supposed to drink The Fat Flush Water 3 times a day, one before each meal. According to I should see results in 10 days.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Girl, you DO need a man!

I don’t need a man I can do everything all by myself…

Welp… I know I’m going to ruffle a few feathers with this post but it’s been heavy on my heart for a while. I wanted to be mindful of others feelings but I have to be honest and speak my truth.

A while ago I was in Vegas visiting one of my dear friends and we started to talk about relationships and love. My good friend is such an amazing, accomplished and strong woman I sometimes find myself in awe of her. After girl talking with her about our personal experiences in life, I have come to realize so many women need to hear my message.

Box Braids!

I think anyone who has ever worn box braids has felt like this at some point.

Girls love Beyonce... Duh!

So... about 12:22 in the am, I was watching a re-run of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Scrolling around Facebook not really seeing much pop... out of the blue I find a glimmer of hope. "Girls Love Beyonce" by Drake. What is that you ask? Only Drake paying homage to the Queen herself. I'm a firm believer that man, woman and child should give props when props are due. Kudos to Drake. I am so here for this song!


Monday, April 15, 2013

We have to do so much better...

Ok... We have all been in situations similar to this "Married to Medicine" scene. I have definitely had words with women in the past. Whether over a misunderstanding or hurt feelings, for one reason or another we just could not see eye to eye. The beauty of reality TV is the ability to see a scenario play all the way out and clearly see exactly where it went wrong. In the following clip two women married to affluent Doctors, let their emotions get the best of them and got physical at an event in honor of their husbands. Unless you have a camera crew following you day and night, you will never get a chance to see yourself through the worlds eyes.

Braid life

So recently I decided to do a 30 day hair challenge. Anyone growing their hair naturally will tell you it's definitely a lifestyle change. You need the right kind of moisturizer, conditioner, shampoo and hair style.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cassie Rockabyebaby

Cassandra Ventura drops her much anticipated mixtape and I honestly like. With the right mixture of Ratchet Ville and sexy bass beats, I'm so down...

Dancing in the mirror like...

                               My all time favorite Cassie moment


                                            GOOOOOOO Cassie!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Way with words

After reading one of my all time favorite blogs Superdum. I found a post about to be so freak'n amazing! What is you ask? Only the single reason for you to want to read about healthy food. The food descriptions are just... just... You have to read and see for your self.

Pure genius! 

You Will Lose Friends On Your Way To The Top!

This is so on point!  Anyone aspiring to do something great and outside of the box needs to hear this.


Please treat yourself to Embrace Life Media on Youtube for inspirational and motivational videos. I just subscribed!

East Coast'n

I've been super busy this week planning an extended trip to the east coast. I'm super thrilled to be staying close to friends and family for a few weeks. As you can imagine I have a laundry list of things to do. I think we're gonna stay in a suite inside of the four seasons hotel. The Inner harbor east Baltimore is the place to be. 


We will be traveling for business and hopefully a little fun as well. I will be sure to update as we are preparing for our stay.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tales of the Nouveau Riche

I love my Michiganders...  The hope they get from acquiring just under a million dollars is just... insanely optimistic at best.  

I wish nothing but the best for this family. Remember... "a fool and his money are soon parted."

Friday, April 5, 2013

Old dog, Old Tricks...

Ray J's subtle attempt to shade Kim K. and shine light on his sinking music career, comes in the form of a new single "I hit it first". Trust us Ray, we never forgot... you will not let us.

The only thought that comes to mind...

The thirst is real!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Eat less and feel great

I read this wonderful article on Divine Carline about portion sizes increasing over the last 20 years and our caloric intake almost doubling. This absolutely rings true for me. I have never been one to struggle with my weight but I have noticed sudden weight gain, as I have gotten older. I just chalk it up to a slowing metabolism. However, when I go out for dinner I find myself eating less and less of the meals I used to eat. I certainly noticed my portion size (in most case’s) is way too much for me. In realizing that, I typically eat half of the meal at dinner and I’ll save some for later or another day or I just wont eat the rest at all. 

                                   Burger 20 years ago                            Burger today

                           Coffee 20 years ago                             Coffee today


                      Pizza 20 yeas ago                                   Pizza today

So far cutting my portions down has helped me lose 3 pounds. I actually feel better, and I have more energy to workout. Hope this helps!