What brought about the positive change in my life?
When I moved across the country to California, I
found myself making a few of the same mistakes I made in Michigan… Putting too
much trust in the wrong people, and maybe even a little too concerned with
others opinions of me. I genuinely want
to see people succeed, and I love getting and giving advice to people close to
me. I’m human and I most certainly have weaknesses, but I mean we all do.
The honest to goodness truth
is that most people are judging you. Once you understand that, you realize
there is nothing you can do to control another person’s thoughts regarding you.
More times than not, people base their opinions of others off of what they have
seen and been through themselves. Have you ever had a friend tell you “all men
are dogs”? That opinion is not based on actual fact, It’s based on HER
experiences. Sad, but even she plays a part in that mistreatment. You see… in
order to be “dogged” by any man, woman or child displays a certain level of low-self
esteem. In most cases a person will never say “ I don’t love myself enough to
walk away from a person that is bad for me’. Instead we say, “I love him too
much to leave” “he’s no good” “he’s a dog” or “he will soon grow out of that
phase”. Placing blame on someone else is temporary pain relief. Kinda like putting a band aide on a deep cut… you can
stop the bleeding but you never really fixed the problem.
I have been in that same
situation with friends and boyfriends… you name it. I honestly got tired. There
had to be more to life than just meeting people that wouldn’t treat you badly.
There had to be a way to weed out the good from the bad. I got on my hands a knees and I prayed to God.
Maybe a month after that, I read a blog written by an amazing woman. She talked
about following the principles in the book “The Secret” I decided to pick up
the book again. The first time I read the book I just skimmed through it… This
time I really decided to commit to the principals in the book. When you have
faith in God you can do anything. Sometimes we just need to hear the
information again in the right setting for the message to really stick. After
watching the movie version of the book, everything just seemed to fall into
place. It really stuck with me this time and I honestly feel great. I have wonderful
people in my life. I realized any thing in life is directly related to how you
feel about your self. You honestly have to be that change you want to see in
the world. It all starts with you.
God bless and have a wonderful Easter Weekend!