
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Team Housewife Vs. Independent Women

I was watching the Real Housewives of Atlanta this past week and there was a scene where Nene felt it was appropriate for her to ask Portia if she was being controlled by her husband and the rest of the ladies kind of chimed in and took Nene’s side on the matter. I found that conversation to be disturbing to me for many reasons and on so many different levels. I’m going to try my best to articulate my thoughts and a clear decisive manner because this is the type of shit that pisses me all the way off.

When the group gathered in the limo, Nene started the conversation by asking Portia why she didn't want to go to a strip club. After explaining her views on women being degraded, Portia let the women know that she was on the same page as her husband when it comes down to that matter. Somehow Nene goes into a rant about how she used to work at a strip club and she met her husband there and some other shit that had nothing to do with nothing. 

 Then she goes on to give Portia a lesson on marriage and "mens" controlling ways. Further more, the Group of women decided that they would tell Portia that her views on marriage were wrong (in so many words) and that her “traditional” values were some “bullshit.

Those statements bring me to write this blog post because my panties get all in a bunch when I hear other women come down on ‘homemakers”, “kept girlfriends” and “housewives”. I mean come on with this shit.  This feminist crap has gone entirely too far.

I do understand, not every woman wants to be in a relationship where the man is the breadwinner and the woman is a stay at home “whatever”.  I also understand that some women, out of concern for their close friends or family members, do want their friends to be protected in the event that this man leaves. What I do not understand is that when a woman makes the decision to be in a TRADITIONAL (yes I said traditional) relationship other woman look down on this woman as if she is setting feminism back.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman deciding to support her man in the form of making sure their home is taken care of. 

The problem with “Independent” women is the fact that they apply this independence to everything that they do and they can, in certain instances, be over barring and super opinionated about the way that other people choose to live their lives.

There is nothing weak about a woman supporting and building an empire with her man. The story of a persons’s life is never defined by what they are doing at that particular moment. We all grow, learn and change at different times. That is the beauty of life, trying different things and figuring out what works and what does not.

Just because a woman is in a supportive & loving relationship with a man does not mean that she is letting her dreams die nor does it imply that a married homemaker can not support herself IF she has to separate from her man.

I find it absolutely terrible that a married woman will scold another, because of a choice made INSIDE marriage. 

If any of you women were married to George Cloney and could live a wonderful, globe trotting life. I wonder how many of you bitches would be fighting to keep your job at Starbucks?

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for women doing their thing in the work force and getting their education. I love to hear about women having amazing careers.  I just wish that “those” women could show the same support to other woman with a slightly different plan for their lives.

Just a few of my favorite supportive ladies & their leading men.

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