
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Online Verified… Who Are You?

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, Tumbler and so many more. With so many different Social Media platforms we now have 24 hour access to our favorite people on the planet... With all that access to others lives, how many people really know who they are once they log off? I'm not speaking of basic name and location. I mean do you really know what you like or does the number of likes and followers let you know you're on the right track? Are we feeding our egos or are we connecting with like minds? 

I often think if I could go back and right all of my wrongs, who would I be?  What if you would have quit your job to pursue your business full-time. What if you would have stayed with that major you decided was a little too difficult to complete… would you still be the same person? What if you made that move… you know the move you say you’re going to make every year. Would you have that Mansion on the hill or that wonderful marriage you pray for every night? Oprah Winfery said that she has perfected the craft of being in tune with herself. She says that she has the ability to follow her intuition at first thought. Could you imagine the power one must have to just have a thought and go with it?  How dope would it be to have the ability to never second-guess yourself? Powerful stuff huh?

I believe that very desire to see “yourself” in the position of someone seemingly successful is the appeal of social media to the masses. At your convenience, you can log on and see someone living the life you should be living. With little to no effort you can become whatever you want to be. With just a matter of a quick screen name change and an updated bio now you too are a singer/songwriter, blogger, photographer and a rapper. Now, don’t get me wrong… I have been blessed to meet many talented people. I saw first hand those same people put hard work, dedication, blood, sweat, tears and money into their dreams. Those people I call Wave Makers… Those are the people that help to inspire the world to go for whatever personal change is needed. I think Sean “Diddy” Combs is one of the greatest “Wave Makers” of our generation.

It’s so easy to get caught up in what someone else is doing and how they are making a name for themselves that some are attracted to the glamour of that. In my opinion that is why we have so many people jumping from Internet persona to the next… Last week you were a model, this week you decided to try your hand at poetry… Everyone on the internet is wearing Celine’s and Birkin's so you decided to skip paying rent to look like an Internet baller. Validation is tricky that way… when you search for validation from others, the people you seek validation from have a hold over your mind. The very thought of displeasing the people you sought out to please can be devastating.

 In effort to stay true to myself I have to do an “internet detox” for a few days from time to time. I realize after a long stint of Internet activity I tend to get a little moody… I credit the mood change to constant feeds of information from people you may not necessarily vibe with… I know I’m not the only one that has had to un-follow people simply because we don’t have much in common… nothing personal, no disrespect we just at some point grew apart. If you keep trash around, you’ll start to stink… I don’t think it’s healthy to keep anyone or anything in your life that does not enhance your personal growth.  The web is a breeding ground for negativity and sometimes it’s good to just unplug and cleanse.

Social media is a tool and should be used as such. Let’s not get caught up in a life on the screens of our computer, tablets and phones. Let’s stay connected to the things and people that matter. Become a better you because you deserve the best, not just because you saw someone else doing better. Umm k?!

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