
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Friendships: The rise and the fall

How many times have we been really close to someone and felt this friendship would never end? Not only were you guy’s friends, you considered each other family. Now you find yourself not speaking to this person. Maybe you guys had a falling out or maybe one of you guys moved away and simply grew apart. I believe this has happened to everyone at some point in life.

If you’re into “self improvement” as I am, You may find yourself wondering what it was that you did wrong? How could you have done better and why did the friendship end?

After years of meeting and losing contact with people I honestly think that not one person is more at fault then the other. Friendships are sometimes for a reason. For example; If you were really into partying and hanging out, then you stop. You may find that you don’t run out with the same group. No one person is at fault, you simply grew apart.

After years of having different falling outs with people you realize that you are simply not on the same page. Someone in the friendship may be feeling “some kinda way” about the other person and the issue never gets resolved.

Once you walk away from the friendship you move on with life and everything else is water under the bridge. Through out life we will not like everyone that we meet. I think it's human to to disagree.

We can easily get caught up in the emotion of the situation or the “he said, she said”. The fact of the matter is that on the outside looking in, no one wins in a battle of words. No one wins in a physical altercation. The only victory is the one that you win internally. If the friendship is worth saving, save it! If you would be better off without all that baggage let them go. It really is that simple.

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