
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Angry Much?

 "The moment " I think I'm giving up on black women... You guys always are angry or wake up angry".... I'm going to say something. But if your girl is angry every time she wakes up maybe she's angry because she wakes up to YOU every morning. I'm sure the days she sleeps alone she is fine. Stop making comments like this... We are NOT all alike and maybe just maybe it's something about you that sets her off. (Or just the sight of your face)" 

One of my Facebook friends put up this stat in response to men calling black women angry. Although I myself am a black woman I decided to focus on all women not just black women. I honestly believe that all women go through similar things. This post is my attempt to take a few steps back and go at this topic from both sides...

I completely understand why women feel men peg them as angry after that man has abused them in some way. There are some great men out there but lets be real... I mean honestly men... ask yourself, what woman on earth wouldn't have an attitude if you stay cheating or lying? This is not a new phenomenon. Our mother's and grandmother's have gone through similar things in their past as well. Remember, There is nothing new under the sun.

This is the shi*t that makes a woman snap off in your a**!
 I also understand where men are coming from when they say some women appear to be angry all the damn time. On television there is no shortage of women acting a damn fool.  How many times have you met a woman with a permanent attitude problem? It seems nothing you say or do can bring a smile to her face. Some people honestly feel more comfortable in a defensive, argumentative state than to truly be happy. This is not just a problem that one race has over another.

I believe each individual has a responsibility to take care of him or herself. Not just on the outside but in the inside. No one man or woman should have the ability to make you angry day in and day out. I do understand that women do take on a lot of emotional baggage. No fault to anyone, I think woman are made to nurture so with that comes the ability to tap into our emotions a little easier than men.

I'm sure we all know women that in fact do have a bad attitude and are very mean spirited. I also know a few good women in bad relationships going down a path of destruction. Those women simply need to cut the dead weight and get back to loving themselves. Let's not focus on who's to blame because that could make for a never-ending post. Let's step away and examine the root of OUR OWN unhappiness and make the appropriate steps to get to a happier point in our own lives. If you're waiting around for happiness to come knocking at your door you will be waiting for a long, long time my dear. Seeing the error of ones own way is the only way you will truly start to live the happy life you want to live. 

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