
Friday, May 3, 2013

TCA Peel

So, as you all know I am willing to try just about anything in the name of “beauty” so the next beauty tip should come as no surprise to some of you.  I decided to do a TCA peel also known as a chemical peel on my face and ears.

I know some of you guys are like “what’s a TCA peel?” Well, TCA is short for Trichloroacetic acid, which is a chemical that has been used by dermatologist for years. TCA is commonly used for acne scarring, dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles. The Idea is that the TCA will strip (burn) a layer of your skin, causing the skin to flake revealing a slightly lighter and tighter version of skin. I do not have problems with acne, so I should be ok in the face department. My only areas of concern are my ears. I am actually allergic to fake and or coated metals, I should only be wearing pure gold or silver so my ears do tend to break out once in a while from wearing costume jewelry. I love a fun pair of earrings, but my ears… not so much. Over the years they have gotten a lil darker and I just want to get them back on track.

TCA Peels have been used for acne scarring, dark spots, fine lines,wrinkes, dark underarms and stretch marks just to name a few. I just ordered my 30% TCA capsule on Amazon earlier this week. While I’m awaiting the delivery I decide to give you guys the heads up so that you can do research on your own if interested. Please do your research to make sure a TCA peel is good for you. There are several other chemical peels and TCA percentages that may work better for you… I personally have done TCA peels before in the past. This is my first time trying 30%.

MyInvisibleChyrsalis was the inspiration behind my choice to try the peel... look at her... just gorge!

NOTE: There is some down time with doing this peel because your skin will flake and shed.

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