
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Personal Problem

Today I woke up mad… No particular reason…. I had a wonderful evening but somewhere between watching a movie on Netflix and waking up this morning I some how wound up on the wrong side of the bed. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them as well?  Have you ever been having a good day and suddenly think of something someone said or did and that thought takes you right back to that moment? That argument where you should have said more, or that shade someone was throwing and you let it slide… Yes, this too has happened to me. In times like this I have to work extra hard on myself.

 Days like today don’t happen to me very often but when they do I try my best to call it out and “check myself”. The people around me have no idea why I have an instant attitude and more importantly they are not the cause.  Being honest and in tune with your own feelings and emotions are a key part of growth.

 It would probably be easier for me to go on with my day mad at the world and ruin everyone else’s day but why? My issue is still unresolved and all I would be doing is giving someone a legitimate reason to be upset with me.  Today I had to recognize my “personal problem” was something only I could deal with. Funny… after writing this I feel so much better. Have a wonderful day everyone!

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