
Monday, February 10, 2014

5 Steps To the Next Level!

We all know that a vital part of adulthood is staying on top of our game and handling business. I’m not talking about paying bills and going to work… I believe that is the minimal living requirement. What I am speaking about requires going over and beyond… I’m talking about the work that isn’t required but it gets you that much closer to where you’re trying to go. I decided to help out by giving you guy's my 5 steps to get to the next level in whatever area of life you want to improve.

1. Research. I can’t express the importance of researching whatever you may be interested in. Google it, buy books on it, watch shows about it, talk to people who are doing it. Research is the starting point to that big change you are planning. You want to make sure that you are informed.

2. Utilize. What good is the research if you never use the information you have obtained? Once you have obtained the information, it is critical that you use that information as soon as possible. It’s easy to read or hear things and forget what you learned. Please make it a point to actually discuss or use the information. Even if your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't want to hear it. *wink*

3. Timing. Not every moment is the right time to express all that you’ve just researched. Knowing when to present that knowledge is also important. Just because you are interested in how a single malt scotch was made, does not mean your friends and family will be as appreciative of the information as other Scotch enthusiasts. Knowing when to present what you have learned to the right audience is like showing up to class knowing a little bit about everyone’s book report. It makes the conversation that much better while not running the risk of sounding like a know it all.

4. Questions. Once you research and utilize at the perfect time, now it is important to know what questions to ask. One you have the ear, time or audience you intended to converse with, you want to be sure that you’re not asking questions that can easily be found by doing your research. More important than knowing what question to ask, is paying attention to the questions you are being asked. This is super important because depending on how much you know about the questions being asked, you now have the ability to see if you’re informed and if there is a question you can’t answer now you have new research material.

5. Go for it! That’s right… now that you have done your homework it’s time to get out there and show what you got. No one starts at the bottom today and is exactly where they want to be tomorrow. You have to keep at it. You will not grow if you do not get out and try. Even the most skilled of surgeons still have to learn new things every year.

These simple steps can be applied to whatever aspect of your life you are looking to improve. I am obviously a firm believer in self-improvement… and with that being said I also believe we have all to tools necessary to live the life we want to live. Once you implement these steps in your everyday routine you will find all the doors you once thought were closed were just missing the right key. Remember…All doors will open with a little faith and knowledge! Happy researching guys!


  1. Love It Love It....Everyone Needs That Extra Push And Thanks I Will Use These Steps To Help Me Become More Self Motivated

    1. I hope that you keep these 5 steps in mind while you're on your grind lady. Thanks for reading!
