
Monday, September 30, 2013

So Hard To Say Goodbye

My cell phone was stolen over the weekend and I’m over here dying! The grieving process is in full effect and I’m experiencing all of the symptoms. Denial and Isolation, Anger… I wanted to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Bargaining… I wanted to hang fliers and offer a cash reward!  Depression... I slept all day yesterday. Now I’m Accepting the fact that she’s gone… God, why her??? She was the best! There will never be another…. 

Us together in Vegas

New phone arrives Tuesday...

Fake It Till You Make It?

“What I see is trying to make sure that everybody thinks you have more than what you actually have. What’s the point if you actually don’t have it? If you don’t have it, then you don’t have it. Have what you have. Enjoy that . . . The craft is everything. Don’t be afraid of not being the wealthiest person in the room. Be the smartest person in the room. Be the slickest person in the room. Be the most creative person in the room. Be the most entertaining person in the room. Just be in the room.”  
                                                                                 -Jill Scott-

This is a quote by Jill Scott in response to the music industry and how “most” musicians feel the need to pretend they have more than they do or act to be someone they are not. I am not in the music industry however I believe this is something I see all the time on social media.

Friday, September 27, 2013

They "Tried It"

Lord, why is this picture so funny to me? This is not the face of a sane person! I’m telling you this man is about to SNAP off in 2.5 seconds. This is the face you make when somebody lying on you to your face, This is the face you make when you sign up for something on the internet that says free and they charge your ass $200. This is the face you make when you buy a dress to wear out, you get home and the damn security tag is still on it. This is the face you give when a funny acting hoe ask you if you’re wearing “pack hair” Chile I can NOT with Kanye… 

Let's bow our heads and pray that this man fights his demons. I understand him... I honestly do. People will push you until they get a reaction out of you. We have to be smarter than that. There is no way you can defend yourself against every person that "tries it." Just let it go and let your actions prove who you truly are.

Photos courtesy of Bossip

The Boiling Crab

I tried to go on without writing a post about this place… I wanted to keep it all to myself… It’s just to good to keep a secret. What is this place you ask? The Boiling Crab. OMG!!! I am OBSESSED with The Boiling Crab… God it feels good to get that out! For those of you who are not fortunate enough to have a location near you, the Boiling Crab is a fortress that houses the worlds best food on earth. Maryland Blue Crabs, King Crab, Snow Crab, Crawfish, Shrimp and the list goes on. I know you’re probably saying… that list sound simple enough. Oh but no, imagine all of those delicious items tossed in this sauce. Not just any sauce… but a sauce made out of unicorn tears and the pot of gold only found at the end of rainbows. I mean addicted is not even the word. I’m ready to go there now and it's 6 in the morning. 

Randomness In My Head

Have you ever gotten to the point where you out-grow yourself? The kinds of books I would normally read and the places I usually like to go no longer suit me. I know who I am as a person but my taste is changing. I guess it’s another part of growth. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nothing was the same...

... Indeed! Nothing was the same once I put drake on in the ride. I haven't taken it out since. As I’m sure most of you know Drakes album dropped this week. It’s no surprise I’m here for it! With that being said, I’m not going to recap the album because chile... I am stuck on track #4. No Lie… I skip around from time to time but this “Wu-Tang Forever” has my heart. I just can’t find the strength to take it off repeat. Hopefully you will love it as much as I do!

"How you feel about"